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PBSC 12-16-08

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 in the Office Conference Room of the Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Mulholland, Joseph Whelan. ABSENT: Craig Ansman, Thomas Catalina,  John Cunningham, James Juliano, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Clerk of the Works/Project Representative  William Knight, Board of Education members David Nanavaty and Kathy Fetchick, Morganti Group representatives Ed Barrett and Arthur Lindley, one member of public (7:10), one member of press.

High School expansion project. Mr. Barrett said that we are still waiting for a response from the DOT concerning the realignment of the driveway. He said that the Board of Education voted to maintain the schedule presented to the Public Building and Site Commission at its November 25 meeting. He said that we would like to go out to bid at the end of February and begin construction in May. The project would be 20 months and the addition would be done in September 2010.

Mr. Barrett said that the only alternate that is a must buy is the main entry realignment which should cost less than the previously estimated $1.5 million. He said that all of the ed spec items are in the base bid except the space below the gym is now an alternate. He said that the tennis courts have also been discussed as an alternate and is an ed spec.

Discussion followed about whether the driveway realignment must be completed as part of the project. Mr. Mitchell understood that the driveway was deferred from the previous addition, not waived. Ms. Fetchick stated that the last time the driveway was not attached to the project but this time it is. Mr. Borst feels that the State should pay for the realignment since they are requesting it. He noted that the State will go out to bid for the Exit 11 in 2009 with completion in 2011.

Mr. Barrett said that since July 2008, steel prices have come down 30%, steel materials are down 8-15%, asphalt is down 25% and concrete increased 1.1%. He said that the Board of Selectmen approved additional funding for Fletcher-Thompson. He also noted that Fletcher-Thompson wrote that the air handling unit recommended by the Public Building and Site Commission would be too costly to consider (Attachment A to original minutes).

Fairfield Hills public works. Mr. Knight reported that the gas lines to the buildings will be completed after January 1. Mr. Borst noted that the infrastructure is partly the responsibility of the Fairfield Hills Authority and partly Public Works.

Town Hall project. Mr. Knight reported that interior work included cutting the slabs, sanitary lines to the bathrooms and conduits in the basement. Exterior work included sidewalks, landings were poured and propane for temporary heat was set up. He said that there is additional asbestos abatement and testing. Mr. Mitchell noted that the Town and the State agreed on a testing methodology for the asbestos. He said that we may not need a pump because the pressure may be enough with the 10 inch line. Mr. Knight said that there was water running into the basement because Claris Construction tore off the roof of a tunnel on Second Avenue that another contractor had sealed off because Claris had told them that they would not work in that tunnel. Mr. Borst said that this is a Fairfield Hills Authority responsibility and that Public Works Director Fred Hurley is the contact and Mr. Borst will ask him to attend the job meeting this Thursday at 9:00 to discuss this.

Mr. Mitchell received two Change Orders from O&G. One is for $60,060.00 for concrete voids which must be corrected to stabilize the slab. After discussion, Mr. Mitchell will ask O&G to document why this should be a change order rather than coming out of their contingency. The other Change Order is for $13,200 requested by the Town IT Department and the Board of Education to run lines in the ceiling. Mr. Borst said that this Change Order should come out of the reimbursement that the Board of Education will receive from the State.

Community Center. Mr. Mitchell reviewed the contract between O&G and Ames and Whitaker and sent it back for revisions. Mr. Borst said that Town Attorney David Grogins is reviewing the contract. Mr. Mitchell said that the project start date would be January 2009 and that the timeline indicates a schematic design program and cost estimates by the end of June.

Unfinished business.

Change Order process will be tabled until the High School project commences.

New Business.

Subcommittees. Mr. Mitchell would like to appoint subcommittees of two members to gather information on each project for the Commission as well as to attend meetings of the Board of Selectmen and Board of Education as needed. This will be discussed further at the January 27, 2009 meeting.

Adjournment. Upon motion of Mr. Mulholland, the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk